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Mount Gambier Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Mount Gambier organiser on: 2019-04-28


Green Drinks is an opportunity for everyone who works, volunteers, or has an interest in all things environmental, NRM, sustainability, or otherwise 'green' to informally meet and chat with others in the industry. Tell your friends!

Mount Gambier Green Drinks is held on the first Friday of each month. 

The next Mount Gambier Green Drinks will be held:


Friday, 3rd of May

4.30pm, at The Macs Hotel (21 Bay Road)


Come along and meet/network with other environmentally like-minded people from all walks of life.

Volunteers, agency staff, students, etc.

All welcome!


Hope to see you there!


Rose, Lauren, & Nicole

Nature Glenelg Trust 08 8797 8596